What is it about this time of year that makes everything seem so heavy?
Is it the ten pounds of clothes we must wear in order to step outside without freezing our hineys off?
Is it the ten pounds we gained during the 6-week bender we go on during the Holidays?
Is it the lack of sunlight?
I don't know about you, but I feel, well... heavy. And I'm in the mood to lighten up. I'm burnt out on the heavy comfort food of winter and crave a good salad. Or anything charbroiled for that matter. I'm jonesing to wear short sleeves in the office again. I'd like a good frozen margarita—Poolside. I'm dreaming of leisurely strolls on the boardwalk after dinner, making fun of the tourists.
I'm ready for green, folks. Bunnies in the yard, the smell of fresh-cut grass clippings, and the peals of thunder that vibrate the dishes in my kitchen. I miss the fresh contrast of the sensations of warm sun and sand under my toes and cool breezes off the still chilly lake.
Whatever it is that makes the time between the months of April to early September seem like life is so much easier, I'm for it. Now.
So how does one "act as if" it's Spring. That, my friends, is my assignment this week. I will let you know.