{Thought that headline may garner your attention!}
That headline is in reference to describe the delivery on our doorstep last night, which leads me to a funny moment I need to capture and remember for posterity's sake.
That headline is in reference to describe the delivery on our doorstep last night, which leads me to a funny moment I need to capture and remember for posterity's sake.
Simple Backstory: Barbara wants a real baby. As in brother or sister. She asks for one almost every other day. It is explained to the child that she can certainly have one of her own in another, oh, 23 years or so. But mommy won't be honoring such a request as one of her upcoming 3rd birthday wishes.
So back to the story... I spied a brown UPS box on the doorstep as I pulled up the driveway tonight. It completely escaped me as to what it was- I, for the life of me, could not remember making any recent online purchases. I chalked it up to a random snowmobile accessory or dirt bike part that had arrived for Greg. Curious, I told Barbie that there was a mystery delivery on the doorstep and we went to retrieve it together to see what had arrived.
Picking up the box, I saw that it was addressed to me. SWEET! (I'm officially giddy now)
In my out loud narrative half to myself, half to Barbara, I explained it was something for mommy and I didn't recognize the return address. "I wonder what is inside- let's open it together!" As we walked into the kitchen to retrieve a box opener, she had an idea of what it could be and sweetly inquired:
Is it a real baby?!?
A good chuckle ensued. Then a snort. Then another little giggle. In her little mind she has effectively eliminated the UPS man as an option of where babies come from.
What was inside the box? Twin girls, namely Stella & Dot (which I had indeed ordered after attending BFF's S+D party last weekend)! Check my new little arrivals out below:

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